The American Printing History Association (APHA) and the Friends of Dard Hunter (FDH) welcome proposals for their joint conference on October 25-27, 2018.
Matrices. The social life of paper, print and art
At the University of Iowa Center for the Book
Iowa City, Iowa | October 25 to 27, 2018
Proposals are due March 31, 2018
APHA and FDH invite proposals for presentations, demonstrations, and workshops that explore the technological and cultural matrices of art printed on or made from handmade paper. Today’s practitioners and scholars have a rich archive of historical production methods and societal uses of art on paper to draw from in their work and research. Be it decorative, instructional, devotional, or functional artwork, how can this matrix of origins and innovations be retrieved, shared, and developed? What have we brought forward to fit what we make and use now, and what might we embed for future makers and researchers?
We welcome presentations that consider developments worldwide from the earliest printed images on paper in Asia, to the technological advancements and expanding cultural engagement with art and illustration in the Renaissance, to current uses in one-of-a-kind artworks, print editions, and artist’s books.
Proposals are encouraged from practitioners and scholars across a range of disciplines including papermaking, printing, printmaking, art history, book arts, graphic design, book studies, history, religion, and material culture studies.
Jesse Erickson, APHA VP for Programs | Sara T. Sauers, APHA Conference Chair
Anne Covell, FDH VP for Annual Meetings | Timothy Barrett, FDH Conference Chair