On October 29, we celebrated the 2nd Printing Day in collaboration with the El Puig de Santa María City Council. We present a facsimile of Tirant lo Blanch, a milestone in incunabula printing in the Valencian language, the showcase dedicated to the first great Valencian lithographer, Antoni Pascual i Abad from Alcoy, copies of the Bible and the book considered the smallest in the world, and a printer Konika digital that is located in the last room as the end of the visit. We also hold a drawing contest for primary school students from El Puig with printing as the motive.
Finally, we dedicated four exhibits to the work of Valencian graphic companies linked to work related to design on the occasion of Valencia being the World Capital of Design in 2022.
In this way we unite a glorious past (with the facsimile of Tirant), the present of a digital printer incorporated into the Museum, and the works related to design and the future of some children already enthusiastic about printing and who enjoyed printing them with our press. of Gutenberg”