Ausstellung, Klingspor Museum, Offenbach, Deutschland
For a long time, the history of type design and typography was presented from a purely male perspective. Now, research in the field of type design is increasingly focussing on the women who were already active in type production at the beginning of the 20th century without really becoming visible.
The exhibition Same bold stories? sets itself the task of researching the Klingspor Museum’s historical type-related collection (1900 – 1950) for these female positions and supplementing the historiography of type design with their biographies and works. Only a few women such as Anna Simons, Erika Giovanna Klien or Gudrun Zapf-von Hesse achieved greater fame during their lifetime. In addition, there are type designers such as Elizabeth Friedländer, Ilse Schüle, Anna Maria Schildbach, Maria Ballé and numerous female students, for example of Rudolf von Larisch’s type classes in Vienna and Rudolf Koch’s in Offenbach, who are included in the collection and are now coming into focus for the first time.
Starting from the historical collection, an arc is drawn to contemporary type design – by people who identify as FLINTA* (women, lesbians, inter*, non binary, trans* and agender). Self-confident and innovative, they not only help shape typefaces, but also the international type scene. Ideas of collective work are applied here and solidarity-based distribution channels exist alongside traditional distribution through type foundries. The boundary between application and art is often blurred, so that exciting content concepts trigger a new way of thinking about type design and typography in the 21st century. Émilie Aurat, Jin-Hoo Park, Golnar Kat Rahmani and Nat Pyper are just some of the many names that are brought together and contextualised in the exhibition.
The historical and contemporary positions are also interwoven across all thematic areas, which means that the exhibition itself fits into a historiography based on the principle of ‘messy history’. The exhibition does not claim to be complete, but rather gradually brings more fragments into the light. By juxtaposing these sometimes very different perspectives, a new reading of history emerges.
A book accompanying the exhibition will be published on 23 August and offers an informative and theoretical extension to the exhibited works. Through articles and interviews with contemporary actors in the type scene, such as, Nadine Chahine, Katharina Koch, Laura Meseguer and Teal Triggs, it becomes clear that historiography is rarely complete and that gaps can only be filled, if at all, by consciously engaging with them.
The concept for the exhibition was developed in co-operation between the Klingspor Museum, the design studio turbo type and the feminist collective +FEM.
The exhibition is sponsored by the Kulturfonds FrankfurtRheinMain.

26.07., 18 Uhr
Kurator*innenführung: Zeitgenössische Praxis im Typedesign
Laura Brunner
Eintritt nach Wahl
11.08., 15 Uhr
Kurator*innenführung: Politik im Typedesign
Naomi Rado
Eintritt nach Wahl
23.08., 17 Uhr
Kurator*innenführung: Historische Positionen
Dr. Dorothee Ader, Tatjana Prenzel
Eintritt nach Wahl
18.30 Uhr
Party zum Book Release des Begleitbands Same Bold Stories?
30.08., 19 Uhr
How Many Female Type Designers Do You Know?
Vortrag in englischer Sprache, Yulia Popova
Eintritt nach Wahl
30.8.- 01.09., jeweils 10:00 – 17:00 Uhr
Typo reloaded: Text-Experimente, Schrift, Buch.
Bleisatz-Workshop mit Marina Kampka und Uta Schneider in der Druckwerkstatt im Bernardbau
Mit Anmeldung, Kosten 225€ (inkl. Materialgebühr)
06.09., 18 Uhr
copy and paste
Performance Paula Schulenburg und Lisa Nürnberger
Eintritt nach Wahl
13.09., 19 Uhr
Aufdringliche Typen – Über die ästhetisch-politische Dimension der Typografie
Vortrag, Dr. Felix Kosok
Eintritt nach Wahl
20.09., 18 Uhr
Kurator*innenführung: Gender-Stereotypen im Typedesign
Leonie Martin
Eintritt nach Wahl
21.09., 18:00
Buchstabensuppe + Kino: Screening des Films Graphic Means von Briar Levit (OV)
Atelier in der Walterpassage (Frankfurter Str. 13-15)
Eintritt und Essen/Trinken auf Spendenbasis
27.09., 19 Uhr
Unsichtbar? Herausforderungen beim Forschen und Sammeln von FLINTA* in Grafik- und Typedesign.
29.09., 16 Uhr
„Alter schützt vor Schriftkunst nicht…“ – Ausgesuchte Künstlerinnen aus der Sammlung des Klingspor Museums
Vortrag, Dr. Stefan Soltek
Eintritt + 1,50 Euro
11.10., 18 Uhr
Women’s Type of Underwear
Siebdruck-Workshop auf eigener Kleidung mit Sonja Yakovleva
Eintritt nach Wahl
17.10., 18 Uhr
Read Me Draw Me. Type Design aus der Perspektive von feministischen und queeren Texten im Bezug auf Gestaltung
Präsentation von Studierendenarbeiten der HfG Offenbach aus dem Sommersemester 2024
Betreut von Johanna Siebein und Bruno Jacoby
02.11, 14-17 Uhr
Let’s Talk About Money
Verhandlungsworkshop für FLINTA*, Anja Henningsmeyer
Mit Anmeldung, Solidarischer Teilnahmebeitrag, Richtwert 20 Euro
03.11., 16 Uhr
Significant Other(ing) – Messy History als feministisches Gegenkonzept der Kunst- und Designhistoriographie
Vortrag, Naomi Rado
Eintritt + 1,50 Euro
09.11., 11 – 16 Uhr
Type & Politics
Vortrag und Siebdruck-Workshop mit Golnar Kat Rahmani in der Druckwerkstatt im Bernardbau
Mit Anmeldung, 30 Euro Teilnahme + 15 Euro Material
22.11., ab 18 Uhr
Eat It by the Creek – Performativer Abend mit Drag
Eintritt nach Wahl
24.11., 15 Uhr
Finissage mit Kurator*innenführung
Dr. Dorothee Ader, Laura Brunner, Naomi Rado
Eintritt frei
17 Uhr Vernetzungstreffen für Typedesigner*innen