Norwich Printing Museum
Currently ‘in residence’ at Blickling Hall, the Norwich Printing Museum is due to open again at the beginning of April, on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, 11am to 3pm. Entry to the Museum is free. In the meantime, the Museum continues to seek a new home in Norwich, and is also looking to recruit a number of new Trustees.
Gill Renouf, Secretary of the Trust, said ‘We are looking for up to six new Trustees to help us face the challenges of the Museum’s future. Whether you are an experienced museum volunteer or trustee, someone with an interest in conserving threatened traditional crafts, an enthusiast for the history and practice of printing, or for the city of Norwich, you will be very welcome to apply to join us’.
The Trustees are looking to expand the skill-base of the Board, and will welcome especially those with skills and enthusiasm in one or more of the following areas: heritage project development; fundraising; leadership and decision-making; museum management or curatorship; marketing and publicity; administrative skills; managing volunteers; IT and social media; public education; printing or book history; printmaking; bookbinding; design history; teaching/public speaking; Norwich and Norfolk life.
They welcome applications from across the country and are particularly seeking Trustees with local connections and knowledge. Further details and an application form can be found on Norwich Printing Museum’s website. The closing date for applications is 1st March 2025.