Drukwerk in de Marge: a invaluable source of documentation
The Stichting Drukwerk in de Marge, founded in 1975 in the Netherlands has been aware—since its earliest days—of the fact that the conservation of information, documentation and photographs/videos of presses and other printing equipment is as important as keeping the presses themselves running.
Several of our members had in their possession manuals, leaflets and sales brochures of the presses that they had acquired and the board of Drukwerk in de Marge reckoned that the most logical thing to do would be to add the information to its website. After a call at the annual meeting, people started to submit scans, PDFs and/or photographs. At the same time, a list of suppliers was established and is continually extended and updated.
The editors of the website of Drukwerk in de Marge are always looking out for documentation or photographs that can be added. Have you got anything that might be of interest to printers and typesetters? If so, please send us an e-mail: tomscot@kpnmail.nl.
When you open the website: https://drukwerkindemarge.org/, you’ll see in the top right-hand corner: berichten – uitgaven – drukkers – techniek – over ons.
When you click on ’Techniek’, you’ll find ‘Documentatie’ (documentation); ‘Beeldbank’ (image bank); ‘Leveranciers’ (suppliers); ’Musea’ (musems); ‘Werkplaatsen’ (Print studios).
Click on ‘Documentatie’ and you’ll find the list of items available.
Thomas Gravemaker