Letterpress printing: past, present, future
University of Leeds, 19-20 July 2018
Organised by the Centre for the Comparative History of Print (Centre CHoP) and the Centre for Printing History and Cultures (CPHC) as part of the AHRC Research Network Letterpress Printing, this two-day conference explores the survival, legacy and relevance of letterpress printing in the digital era.
The conference features key note lectures by Johanna Drucker, Will Hill, and Dafi Kühne. There are also papers by artists, scholars, and printmakers and a specially-convened heritage panel with representatives from key institutions in Ireland and the UK.
Programme: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cYTyaZJgSSmGcxPuuRSx_Wb_l9o8y7etLmdPrU_XPlc/edit
Registration here:
Further details here: http://letterpress.leeds.ac.uk/events/final-conference-letterpress-printing-today-leeds-19-20-july-2018/