Cette imprimerie litho constituée en 1980, dans une petite commune à 25 km au nord de Strasbourg (France), je la vends dans un premier temps en intégralité avec l’ensemble des presses et matériels. Cela pourrait convenir à celui ou celle qui voudrait se lancer dans cette aventure. S’il n’y a pas d’offre pour l’ensemble, je…
TypEd – Typographic masterclasses With Astrid Stavro, Jim Sutherland and Marie Boulanger Unlock the secrets of centuries of typographic mastery at the iconic St Bride Foundation with TypEd – a workshop series led by world-renowned experts. Be inspired and challenged as you delve into the art and craft of letterforms. Curated for type enthusiasts, from…
Small performances / Baskerville Punches The Centre for Printing History & Culture (CPHC) has announced the launch of its new website Small performances / Baskerville punches which contains details of the AHRC-funded research project ‘Small Performances: investigating the punches of John Baskerville through heritage science and practice-based research’ The site introduces John Baskerville, provides an…
Un viaggio attraverso la memoria vivente dei musei della stampa e della carta italiani, esplorando le prime Bibbie ebraiche, il primo Corano e i primi spartiti musicali stampati in Italia. Un evento rivolto a: tipografi, bibliofili, gli esperti del settore, studenti per approfondire il passaggio dalla cultura orale e manoscritta alla diffusione di massa delle opere…
Tsinghua University Science Museum is looking for early European printing artefacts, principally but not exclusively from the 15th to the 18th century, that are available for purchase. These include presses, types, molds, letter trays, punches, or high-quality modern replicas and, for the more contemporary period, collotype glass plates, lithographic stones, and gelatin etching plates. Please…
Columbian presse n° 1616 for sale. Location: India. Originally announced in December 2019, this press is still available. Contact: janakrish.hort@gmail.com
The National Printing Heritage Committee (UK) is delighted to announce that the Virtual Museum of Printing has now launched and can be accessed at https://www.vmop.org.uk/. The Virtual Museum is an online museum collective with the aim of bringing together the printing historical resources of the British Isles in one site. It currently features a directory…
The Geronima Gales gallery at MuVIM (Valencian Museum of Illustration and Modernity) has installed a replica of the Gutenberg press courtesy of the Printing Museum Senate of Valencia. For more information : http://www.muvim.es/va/content/espai-gutenberg (in Spanish). An English-language brochure is available in PDF format courtesy Valencia’s Diputacion here: Brochure Gutemberg Eng https://senadomuseoimprenta.org.es/
Kraus guillotine (serial number 164404) originally acquired from the Hotterbeekx printing printing company in Maaseik (Belgium) by the artisan bookbinder Rik Vanholen who donated it in the 1980s to the library of Maaseik which has displayed it since as a showpiece in its entrance hall. The library is now being being refurbished and unfortunately will…
The Science Museum Group has completed a major project to relocate the Monotype Collection, which illustrates the mechanical typesetting method that dominated the world in the twentieth century. The Monotype Collection contains more than two million individual items, including a comprehensive archive, around a hundred machines, patterns and matrices, and over four thousand drawers of…
Two residencies for 2025 TYPA has hosted over 100 artists so far and continue to offer a dynamic and varied residency program. Our 2025 Open Call is now open. The deadline for the applications is 31th of August 2024. In 2025, we can offer two types of residencies: TYPA residency and Nordic-Baltic residency. TYPA residency…
Ausstellung, Klingspor Museum, Offenbach, Deutschland For a long time, the history of type design and typography was presented from a purely male perspective. Now, research in the field of type design is increasingly focussing on the women who were already active in type production at the beginning of the 20th century without really becoming visible.…
The making of printers’ type Monday 2 September 2024 To be held in the Museum and in one of the galleries in Blickling Hall, this is a day for the type connoisseur, the printing historian, and anyone interested in the long history of type from ancient China, Japan and Korea, through early Mainz printing and…
We need more people trained to use and maintain typesetting machines. Typa in Tartu, Estonia, Grafiska Museet Helsingborg, and the Friends of the Fjeld-Ljom Press Museum in Røros, Norway, are joining forces in a new project – connecting interested individuals to collaborate on the recruitment and training in the operation of typesetting machines. We will apply…
Il 17 giugno 2024 l’Assemblea dei Soci di AIMSC (Associazione Italiana dei Musei della Stampa e della Carta) ha deliberato le nomine degli 11 membri del Consiglio Direttivo, che a loro volta nella stessa giornata, hanno eletto all’unanimità come Presidente Nella Poggi Parigi e come Vicepresidenti Luigi Campanella e Tiziano Galuppo. Con questa delibera il Consiglio Direttivo – che ha il…
Each year the museum looks forward to showcasing new and exciting work being done in letterpress printing. 2024 is the 9th year of the New Impressions exhibition, an international, juried exhibition to showcase exploration and creativity with letterpress printing techniques. New Impressions 2024 attracted 192 diverse submissions from over 90 artists in 8 countries—including Brazil, Spain,…
Would you like to learn more about letterpress during one year? Do you want to learn to set type and to print on a proofing press? Sign up for our one-year course ‘Typesetting’. This course is part of the three-year project ‘Long live the Black Arts’ that was developed by Drukwerkplaats Atelier t in…
On May 25, as is tradition, the Association of Friends of the Printing Museum held its annual Chapter at the Monastery of Santa María de El Puig, headquarters of the Valencia’s Printing Museum, in which the most important event is the appointment of the new Senators, in recognition of a lifetime dedicated to printing, the…
The Virtual Museum of Printing (VMoP) now has an online presence. The Virtual Museum of Printing (VMoP) is an online museum collective organised under the aegis of the Printing Historical Society and the National Printing Heritage Committee (NPHC). Its aim is to bring together the printing-historical resources of the British Isles in a single website.…
NEW! This year it will be possible to follow online, as they happen, the talks given at the AEPM’s annual conference on Friday 24 and Saturday 25 May, for the modest sum of 15 euros. Details and sign up here: AEPM 2024 online with Eventbrite —