AEPM 2014

Exhibiting printing heritage

AEPM conference, 24-25 October 2014
Gutenberg Museum, Mainz, Germany

The 2014 meeting of the Association of European printing museums (AEPM) was hosted by the Gutenberg Museum in Mainz (Germany) on the 24-25th October 2014. The theme of the conference was “Exhibiting printing heritage”.

Why exhibit printing and graphic heritage materials?

Are they relevant in today’s media saturated world? And if so, how can they be exhibited and to what ends? Printing and graphic heritage covers an extremely wide range of materials concerning more than five centuries of craft and industrial activity: books, prints and other documents; type, woodblocks and other printing surfaces; presses and ancillary equipment of all sorts. Not to mention the innumerable type specimens, technical and commercial documents which help us to understand the economic and material conditions in which the various techniques were deployed. And as we come closer to the present day the typology extends to rather less orthodox objects such as computer programmes and digital fonts.

How can this mass of material be used to explain the origins and workings of the extremely rich and varied graphic world in which we all live today? How can museums use it to illustrate the myriad ways in which printed words and images have contributed to the history of ideas and the making of the societies in which we live? How can printing and graphic heritage materials be used to put into context the profound changes which are taking place today under the impact of digital technology?

Day 1


Dr Annette Ludwig, director, Gutenberg Museum
Dr Elke Schutt-Kehm, deputy director, Gutenberg Museum
Alan Marshall, president, AEPM

Download Annette Ludwig’s welcome speech here : Annette Ludwig (PDF)

Dr Elke Schutt-Kehm
Gutenberg Museum, Mainz, Germany
New perspectives for the Gutenberg-Museum since 2010: the Gutenberg-Museum in the winds of change

Download Elke Schutt-Kehm’s talk here: Elke Schutt-Kehm (PDF)

New film of the Gutenberg-Museum about Gutenberg and his invention

Roger Münch
Deutsches Zeitungsmuseum, Wadgassen, Germany
There’s life in the old dog yet: the makeover of the German Newspaper Museum

Download Roger Münch’s talk here: Roger Münch (PDF)

Alan Marshall
Musée de l’imprimerie, Lyon, France
From printing to graphic communication: rethinking the permanent collection of Lyon Printing Museum

Iris Kockelbergh
Musée Plantin-Moretus, Antwerp, Belgium
Plantin Moretus Museum / Print room : museology, past present & future

Download Iris Kockelbergh’s talk here: Iris Kockelbergh (PDF)

Laurent Naas
Nouvelle Bibliothèque humaniste, Selestat, France
Reconciling conservation and exhibition: the renovation of the Nouvelle Bibliothèque humaniste

Download Laurent Naas’s talk here: Laurent Naas (PDF, french)

Andréas Schweizer
Association pour le patrimoine industriel, API, Geneva, Switzerland
Citizenship and museums: artistic creation, systematic inventories, social implication and citizens’ participation: challenges for museums in the 21st century

Download Andréas Schweizer’s talk here: Andreas Schweizer (PDF)

Filip Cremers
Nationaal Museum van de Speelkaart,Turnhout, Belgium
The Belgian national playing card museum

Day 2

Annual general meeting of the AEPM

Guided tours of St Martin’s Cathedral and the Gutenberg Museum with printing demonstration on the Gutenberg hand press

Guided tour of the Gutenberg-Museum’s current exhibition: “My purgatory of advertising”. Herbert Bayer. Graphic design in advertising, between Bauhaus and emigration, 1928-1938
with Dr Elke Schutt-Kehm


List of participants

Amis du Musée de l’imprimerie, Lyon, France
Bernard Langlois

Association pour le patrimoine industriel (API), Geneva, Switzerland (speaker)
Andreas Schweizer

Atelier national de recherche typographique, Nancy, France
Alice Savoie

Book Art Museum, Lodz, Poland
Arkadiusz Rogoziński
Janusz Tryzno
Pawel Tryzno

Central St Martins School, London, United Kingdom
Catherine Dixon

Deutsches Zeitungsmuseum, Wadgassen, Allemagne
Roger Münch (speaker)

Glasgow School of Art – Communication design, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Edwin Pickstone

Gutenberg Museum, Mainz, Germany
Anette Ludwig
Claus Maywald
Elke Schutt-Kehm (speaker)

Helsingborg Printing Museum, Helsingborg, Sweden
Gideon Beil
Mats Larsson

Kulturhuef, Grevenmacher, Luxembourg
Monika Jacobs

Les mille univers, Bourges, France
France Labro-Dellion
Frédéric Terrier

Lyon Printing Museum, Lyon, France
Alan Marshall (speaker)
Bernadette Moglia

Meermanno Museum, The Hague, Netherlands
Rickey Tax

Museum für Druckkunst, Leipzig, Germany
Christine Hartmann

National Museum van de Speelkart, Belgium
Filip Cremers (speaker)

Museum Joh. Enschede, Haarlem, Netherlands
Johan de Zoete

Nouvelle bibliothèque humaniste, Selestat, France
Laurent Naas (speaker)

Plantin-Moretus  Museum, Antwerp, Belgium
Iris Kockelbergh (speaker)

The type archive, London, United Kingdom
Susan Shaw

Stadtarchiv und Ehemals Reichsstädtische Bibliothek, Lindau, Germany
Heiner Stauder

Individual members
Robert Clerebaut : Belgium
J.T.W.A Cornelisse, Netherlands
Patrick Goosens : Belgium
Rolf Demmerle : Germany