Aepm annual conference 2017
11-14 May 2017; The Museum of Typography, Chania, Crete (Greece)

Making history: collections, collectors and the cultural role of printing museums

Three convivial days of talks, discussions and exchanges aboutprinting museums and graphic heritage

Summary of speakers and topics

See the full programme here

Jürgen Bönig, chair of the Zeichen der Welt e.V. (Germany)
From collection to museum: J. J. Augustin Glückstadt, Hamburg, New York

Yiannis Garadakis, founder of the Museum of Typography (Greece)

Patrick Goossens, collector of historical printing equipment and independant scholar (Belgium)
Collecting and the true craft of historic printing technology

Guy Hutsebaut, in charge of the collections of the Plantin-Moretus Museum (Belgium)
Museum Plantin-Moretus: storytelling for a new audience with respect for a fragile collection

Gerry Leonidas, vice-president of ATypI, associate professor at the Department of typography and graphic communication (UK)
Research-based design: integrating archives in a practice-based discipline

Alan Marshall, AEPM, former director of the Musée de l’imprimerie et de la communication graphique (France)
How print became heritage: 150 years of printing museums

Klimis Mastoridis, University of Nicosia (Cyprus)
Making (printing) history in Cyprus: a museum waiting to be made?

Georgios D. Matthiopoulos, Technological Educational Institute of Athens (Greece)
The Grecs du roi meet early Cretan literature in a Street Art performance throughout Crete: a school project

Sonja Neumann, Deutsches Museum Munich (Germany)
Printing heritage and the information age: collecting, preserving and exhibiting as a future challenge for printing museums

Yannis A. Phillis, Technical University of Crete (Greece)
Printing museums: records of civilization

Anastasios E. Politis, Hellenic Union of Graphic Arts and Media Technology Engineers (Greece)
Typography revisited: the importance of typography in modern visual communication

Niki Sioki, University of Nicosia (Cyprus)
Outside the printing museum: printed ephemera in Cyprus local museum collections

Konstantinos Staikos, architect, book historian and researcher (Greece)
Practising Greek Typography (15th – 18th century)

Sue Walker, Department of typography and graphic communication (UK)
Using the archive: material aspects of text

Full programme

Travel and accommodation

Online registration and payment
